Our Mission

We’re corporate-turned-conscious professionals with a passion for psychedelics and on a mission to protect this sacred space from toxic corporate mentality. 

Our Approach

The Dose experience feels different. 

We’re a first-of-its-kind, boutique talent company focused on helping emerging and growing companies in the wellness and psychedelic therapeutics industry define, align, and consciously scale their culture and teams with intention. 

Our Process

We bring an unprecedented combination of polish, professionalism, and purpose - all emanating from the highest octave and delivered with tremendous humility. We apply our wisdom, systems, process, and our consciousness to elevate brands and help their companies scale to the next level - creating and amplifying the ripple effect of awakening that’s lighting up the greater collective. 

That’s what Dose can do for you.

Our Team

Together, our Founders bring the vision to life and hold the torch for the higher purpose of this movement, distilling all the lessons learned along the way into playbooks of operational excellence for every organization we partner with.

  • Co-founder and CEO

    Dominique is our visionary who continues to delve into the inner work and integrate the insights gained through thought leadership and sharing her story both on stage and through books.

  • Co-founder and COO

    Erica is our integrator who builds the culture, runs operations, and ensures everything flows smoothly while taking ownership of her own story as a company ambassador.

Our Culture

We vibrate at all levels together.

Every person has a complex life and dynamic human experience that is always changing. That’s why our genuine connection to both Self and Source is energetically enhanced by the deep sense of peace that comes from knowing our team is holding space for each other through life’s ups and downs. Team members have a keen awareness of who they are and reflect that outwardly—from the energy they bring to the language they use: kindness, respect, patience, acceptance, and compassion. We’re all human.


  • Be Brave + Curious

    We courageously seek growth and explore the possibilities for expansion, awakening, and enlightenment that lie beyond our sense of discomfort.

  • Act With Intention

    We set the tone for our journey and experience by connecting from the inner me to the collective we.

  • Lead With Integrity

    We show up in complete alignment and congruence with our full authenticity in all situations and environments.

  • Have Compassion

    We accept and hold space for the different paths and journeys we each walk in our evolutionary transformation.